Please Don't Spam!!
- Spam (Food)
- Spam is a canned pork product made by the Hormel Foods Corporation.
- Spam (Monty Python)
- Spam is a popular Monty Python sketch, first broadcast in 1970. In the sketch, two customers are trying to order a breakfast without Spam from a menu which includes the processed meat product in every entry.
- Spam (Internet)
- To Spam is to send identical and irrelevant postings to many different newsgroups or mailing lists. Usually this posting is something that has nothing to do with the particular topic of a newsgroup or of no real interest to the person on the mailing list. It is considered to be a serious violation of netiquette.
Please Don't Spam!!!

Please Don't Spam!!!
You have been sent a link to this page because you have, perhaps unintentionally, been involved in spamming a newsgroup. The Internet would be a far better place without Spam, as the world would be without the horrible tinned meat of the same name. Please do your bit: DON'T SPAM!!